Amazon Headquarters

Customer Service Phone Numbers (1-800 Toll Free Numbers), Headquarters Contacts and Corporate Office Addresses and Map Locations of America's Top 250 Corporations. Speak to a human in customer support!
For the "secret" fast-track phone numbers (speak to a human in seconds), please see the A-Z Menu.

Amazon Headquarters and Corporate Office.

See Amazon’s corporate office address, headquarters address, phone numbers and executive team, here.

Learn how to file a complaint with Amazon, quickly and efficiently.

Amazon Headquarters. is the largest online retailer in the world, and they have dedicated websites in many different countries, including in the United States, Spain, Germany, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, India and Italy. Every country has their own complaint and customer service department, but if you want to contact the actual Amazon company headquarters, then you need to contact the corporate office in Seattle, Washington State.

Amazon Headquarters Address.

The Amazon Headquarters Complex houses 15,000 employees and is located at this address:

Amazon Headquarters

410 Terry Ave. N Seattle, WA 98109, USA

If you want to sent a letter to the Amazon corporate office, then this is the address, that you need to send it to.

Amazon Headquarters Phone Number.

Call 1-206-266-1000 for the Amazon corporate office.

Amazon Corporate Office Email Address.

There is no dedicated corporate office email address, that we know of, but when you log in to your Amazon account, you can contact the Amazon customer service by clicking on the Help link at the top of the page, followed by a click on ‘Contact Customer Service’ and ‘Contact Us’. The form will ask you some questioens about your issue, and then the ‘Send an Email’ icon will be available.

Amazon Corporate Website.

The closest you will get to an corporate website is the Investors Relation page here. This page lists corporate news, FAQs and bios of the corporate directors. It also details how to become an Amazon vendor or affiliate.

If you are interested in applying for a job at Amazon then we suggest that you visit the Amazon Jobs page.

Amazon Headquarters
The Amazon Headquarter in Seattle, complete with the new Bio Dome (under construction). Amazon is the largest employer in Seattle.

How to complain to Amazon?

If you have a complaint about Amazon, then the most efficient way to lodge the complaint is to use the Amazon Email Form.

Amazon also publishes a Complaint Forum, where users can have issues solved by other users. You can also search for previous answers.

Lastly, you can contact the Amazon Customer Service on these numbers: 1-888-280-3321 for the automated customer service system or at 1-206-266-2992 for International customers.


Amazon Headquarters Executive Team and Corporate Directors.

The executive team at Amazon Headquarters include:


Jeffrey Bezos – Chief Executive Officer, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors

Jeffrey Blackburn – Senior Vice President

Sebastian Gunningham – Senior Vice President

Andrew Jassey – Senior Vice President

Steven Kessel – Senior Vice President

Diego Piacentini – Senior Vice President

Shelley Reynolds – Vice President

Thomas Szkutak – Senior Vice President

Jeffrey Wilke – Senior Vice President

David Zapolsky – Vice President


Amazon Board of Directors.

Jeffrey Bezos

Tom Aberg

John Seely Brown

William Gordon

Jamie Gorelick

Alain Monie

Jonathan Rubinstein

Thomas Ryder

Patricia Stonesifer


Amazon Brand Names and Trademarks.

Amazon owns a variety of brand names, including:
Brilliance Audio
Amazon Prime
Score deals
Amazon Business
Amazon Web Services
Book Depository
East Dane
Kindle Direct Publishing
Warehouse Deals

Amazon Contact Resources.

Amazon Headquarters and Investors Relations.

Amazon Homepage.

Amazon ‘Contact Us’ Customer Service.

Amazon on Twitter.

Amazon of Facebook.

Please share your experiences, praise or complaints about Amazon, in the comment section.


Customer Service Phone Mumbers, Headquarters Contacts and Corporate Office Map Locations of America's Top 50 Corporations.   For a link to full version fact sheet, incl the "secret" fast-track phone numbers (that allows you to speak to a human in seconds), please see the company links on the Home Page.   You are also welcome to add a complaint or any tips, in the comment section.

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