Microsoft Headquarters

Customer Service Phone Numbers (1-800 Toll Free Numbers), Headquarters Contacts and Corporate Office Addresses and Map Locations of America's Top 250 Corporations. Speak to a human in customer support!
For the "secret" fast-track phone numbers (speak to a human in seconds), please see the A-Z Menu.

Microsoft Headquarters.

Where is the Microsoft Headquarters located?

The Microsoft corporate office is located in:

Redmond, Washington State, United States.

For the complete factsheet on the Microsoft headquarters, please see the Microsoft Corporate Office page, which includes headquarters and customer service phone numbers, executive team, email addresses, HR and customer service addresses.

Microsoft Headquarters Address:

Customer Service Phone Mumbers, Headquarters Contacts and Corporate Office Map Locations of America's Top 50 Corporations.   For a link to full version fact sheet, incl the "secret" fast-track phone numbers (that allows you to speak to a human in seconds), please see the company links on the Home Page.   You are also welcome to add a complaint or any tips, in the comment section.